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Stuck On You Labels | Vendor Review

Okay.  This blog post is a long time coming.  Visit the blog to see a new vendor, a new review + either a giveaway or a promotion on Fridays.  As I sit and talk with my kids about the end of the year, I get a bit excited at the notion that summer is coming + we get to spend more time together.  For those that know our family, you know we love summertime.  It’s a time for lazy beach days, long breezy nights + summer camp.  All three kids will hit the camps this summer.  Asher + Boden are enrolled at the Jewish Community Center for the first half of the summer while Lilliana will do like last year + go one full week only – this year, for horseback riding camp.  They also will be at Upper Township KEYS program for the month of August for camp.

For anyone who knows me, you know I am OCD.  Seriously.  OCD.  Everything gets a label for camp – from their shoes to their underwear to the ice pack that goes into their lunch.  We have lost way too many items over the last few years + it starts to add up.

Enter Stuck on You with their personalized labels + items.  The site has everything you can think of for labels or names … and I don’t mean just iron on labels for their clothes.  You can choose lunchboxes, stationary and so much more.  The fact that their labels are modern + fun added to my love + fun of choosing the perfect items for my family.

Stuck on You Review

Penny Scallan Clothing Labels
Usually I would gravitate more to the basic labels when it comes to stuff for me. But this time around, keeping in mind it was for my kids, I opted for their Penny Scallan line. I even had to google who Penny Scallan was. I loved the matte feel of the stickers (another plus for my modern self – no glossy here) + they stuck to all the clothes a put them on (score). I’ll spare you a photo of a pair of underwear or their swim trunks. But give me a stick on clothing label that actually works over the iron on ones any day.

TIP: I chose Keim Kids over purchasing individual tags for each of my kids. At camp last year, there were a few Asher’s so this will alleviate that problem.

Stuck on You Vendor Review

Kid Designer Name Labels
You know you don’t just label your clothes right? Oh yes, we label it all. Stuffed animals they bring in, nap mat (even if they know it’s ours), ice packs for lunch. Every single item gets a tag. I chose the large(r) size this time to ensure that the labels could be not only seen but also not easily removed. No, I’m not saying someone would actually do that … well, I am but I’m talking about my own kids removing them. And yes, once again swooning over the matte finish. Did i mention I hate gloss? From my photos to my labels. Say no to glossy! The designer label i chose reminded me so much of bambi. I seriously just in my head say “awe” when I see them!

TIP: Put your surname + the word family so you all can use them. I even used the label in my lunchbag I bring to work.

Stuck on You Vendor Review

Spot Pencil Pack
The last item was the Spot Pencil Pack … which I cannot find on their site anymore but you are missing out on a fun gift. This pack has a set of personalized graphite + colored pencils. I opted to have Lilliana’s name only put on it since she would be the one putting them to use + man has she ever. I love that she can bring them to school and not worry about losing them … her name is right on them.

Stuck on You Vendor Review

If you gave me unlimited buying power over there, my OCD self could do some serious damage. I think these may just be on my list for next round … like oh how these people are geniuses!

Stuck on You has graciously allowed readers for the next two weeks to have free shipping … so check them out + grab some labels for camp, fun gifts for friends … and just some cool items.  Just use the code KEIM14 through June 6.  I think I may actually place an order.  LOL.

Disclosure: I did receive Stuck on You labels for the purpose of this review but the opinions are my own.